Friday, November 04, 2005

The great pumpkin slaughter

The Flaps Halloween party was a two-set affair. After they ran through songs from their regular set and the soon-to-be smash hits on their debut CD, and sneaked behind the backdrop to change costumes, Jon Bartlett joined the band to sing some covers in his usual inimitable fashion (and basically go nuts).
With Halloween-themed cover songs from bands like AC/DC (Highway to Hell closed the set ... I forget what opened the show but it was another AC/DC tune) The Who's Boris The Spider, Iron Butterfly's Inna Gadda Da Vida, Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast, Black Sabbath's Children of the Grave, Pink Floyd's Lucifer Sam and a few Screaming Jay Hawkins tunes: Frenzy and I Put A Spell on You, to name but a few.

If you guessed that Jon came dressed as a transvestite Michael Stipe hooker, you guessed correctly!

Hag rock action from Pat Lawlor!

Those are some psychedelic jammies, Jamie Gullikson.

Two sets can really age a guy - just look at John F. Higney Jr. ....

It's a crazy old lady pajama party at Irene's. How does Martin Newman keep those glasses on?

Maybe a cover of The Who's Fiddle About would have been more appropriate ...

Gullikson averts his eyes.

Transvestite and hag rock action!

Halloween rhythm action!

Jon demonstrates the appropriate way to play the Theremin ...

... and the inappropriate way.

Also you aren't supposed to use a theremin stand to jab a pumpkin to pieces ... it's right here in Theremin for Dummies, I tell you ... here Jon feasts on dismembered pumpkin guts.

My old political philosophy prof at Carleton always said the symbolic conflict between capitalism and socialist agrarianism would come down to a wrestling match between a Michael Stipe transvestite hooker and Fidel Castro, but I always assumed she was speaking metaphorically ... (that's Rolf Klausener of The Acorn in fatigues, by the way).

Jon also chased the late Hunter S. Thompson (Howie Tsui) about, and dodged a huge tennis racket. But it was all good clean fun. Well, good fun, anyway. I'm glad I'm not the guy who cleaned up afterward.

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