Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Metal math music

Brooklyn's Golden Triangle are a collision between The Shangri-Las, New York freakouts and garage rock. They had a super-active set, and were plenty fun to watch. I thought their show was heavier on enthusiasm than musical quality - but then again there was a lot of enthusiasm.

As you can see this band likes to shake it. They even have a shakin' sheik.

"Golden Triangle" appears to be one of those names it's hard to Google effectively (unless you really like isosceles triangles), so I'm just going to go by nicknames here for some and nothing for others. They may not even be accurate nicknames. On your left, pawn-shop guitarist Droops, a bassist likely named Alix, and a lady singer I can't name (Flash update: Her name is Carly, and the bassist is former Jay Reatard associate Alix Brown).

The lady in two-tone stockings is either Vlad or V.Dub, the other pawnshop guitarist is Cammy.

Drummer Sodapop sheds the sheikh shtuff .

Alix is a bendy gal.

More shaking!

More Droops!

More unidentified singer!

Rhythm section action!

Most of the whole lot!

Big finish, involving yet more rolling around!

Lots of fun, and the crowd went wild.

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