Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Mayflower in December

There goes November - only two shows! My December was busier (really, how could it not be?). First up, Sarah Burton at The Rainbow December 3. Burton comes from Ottawa originally, but is now based in Montreal. It's good folk-pop, at least when she doesn't have a backing band,

Miss Burton.

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

Blair Michael Hogan was on hand to help out. He's most frequently seen around town as an accompanist for Brock Zeman - they're playing together in Perth tonight.

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

Faceoff action!

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

The view from the staircase.

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

Toe-tapping action!

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

Singalong action!

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

Blair rocks the mandolin.

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

And there you go for many, many more photos like the one below.

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

Back to the mandolin.

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

Boot-stomping action!

Sarah Burton at The Rainbow

Right now she's on a "Cherry Pickin' Tour" of Canada, which should put her in Vancouver around the time of the Olympics. Much American touring looms, and a full-length album, Mayflower, is also in the works.

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